李清华,副教授、硕士研究生导师。2014年(博士)毕业于武汉大学化学与分子科学学院,师从王春江教授,主要研究催化不对高阶环加成合成手性化合物;自2017年9月起加入澳门永利wWW50569Com开展独立科研工作,历经讲师、副教授硕士生导师。已发表包括J.Am. Chem. Soc.、Org. Chem. Front.、Org. Lett.等学术期刊论文。
Tel: 13389676157
1) 过渡金属催化的醇的β-碳消除反应
2) 过渡金属催化的分子内迁移反应
3) 新试剂以及新型反应探索研究
1. Ruthenium-Catalyzed 1,3-Indolyl Migration within α,α-Disubstituted Allylic Alcohols.
Zhang, X.; Luo, Z.; Liu, T.-L.;Li, Q.-H.,Org. Chem. Front.2023, 10, 1705-1709.
2. Rhodium(iii)-catalyzed three-component C(sp2)–H activation for the synthesis of amines.
Lin, M.; Wu, Y.-F.; Liu, Z.-Q.; Liang, C.;Li, Q.-H.; Liu, T.-L.,Chem. Commun.2023, 59, 14431-14434.
3. Ruthenium-Catalyzed 1,3-Aryl Redox Isomerization of Allylic Alcohols.
Luo, Z.; Zhang, X.; Liu, Z.-Q.; Hong, C.-M.;Li, Q.-H.; Liu, T.-L.,Org. Lett.2022, 24, 8072-8076.
4. 1,1,1,3,3,3-Hexafluoro-2-propanol (HFIP)-Assisted Catalyst-Free Sulfonation of Allylic Alcohols with Sulfinyl Amides.
Luo, Z.; Liu, Z.-Q.; Yang, T.-T.; Zhuang, X.; Hong, C.-M.; Zou, F.-F.; Xue, Z.-Y.;Li, Q.-H.; Liu, T.-L.,Org. Lett.2022, 24, 741-745.
5. 2-Pyridinylmethyl borrowing: base-promoted C-alkylation of (pyridin-2-yl)-methyl alcohols with ketones via cleavage of unstrained C(sp3)–C(sp3) bonds.
Hong, C.-M.; Zou, F.-F.; Zhuang, X.; Luo, Z.; Liu, Z.-Q.; Ren, L.-Q.;Li, Q.-H.; Liu, T.-L.,Org. Chem. Front.2022, 9, 299-304.
6. Copper-Catalyzed Transfer Methylenation via C(sp3)-C(sp3) Bond Cleavage of Alcohols.
Hong, C.-M.; Zhuang, X.; Luo, Z.; Xiong, S.-Q.; Liu, Z.-Q.; Li, Q.-L.; Zou, F.-F.;Li, Q.-H.; Liu, T.-L.,Org. Chem. Front.2022, 9, 6547-6555.
7. Transition-metal free cyano 1,3 migration of unsaturated cyanohydrins.
Tao, J.; Yang, T. T.;Li, Q.-H.; Liu, T. L.,Org. Chem. Front.2021, 8, 3421-3426.
8. Chlorocyclization/cycloreversion of allylic alcohols to vinyl chlorides.
Ren, L.-Q.; He, Y.-S.; Yang, Y.-T.; Li, Z.-F.; Xue, Z.-Y.;Li, Q.-H.; Liu, T.-L.,Org. Chem. Front.2021, 8, 6628-6635.
9. Rhodium(III)-Catalyzed Aryl Borrowing Amination of Diaryl Methanols Containing Pyridine-Directing Groups.
Liu, Z. Q.; Tao, J.; Zhuang, X.; Hong, C. A. M.; Luo, Z.; Wu, Y. F.;Li, Q.-H.; Liu, T. L.,Adv. Synth. Catal.2021, 363, 5279-5283.
10. Cyano-borrowing reaction: nickel-catalyzed direct conversion of cyanohydrins and aldehydes/ketones to β-cyano ketone.
Li, Z.-F.; Li, Q.; Ren, L.-Q.;Li, Q.-H.; Peng, Y.-G.*; Liu, T.-L.*,Chem. Sci.2019, 10 (22), 5787-5792.
11. Titanium-Catalyzed Cyano-Borrowing Reaction for the Direct Amination of Cyanohydrins with Ammonia.
Li, Q.-H.*; Li, Z.-F.; Tao, J.; Li, W.-F.; Ren, L.-Q.; Li, Q.; Peng, Y.-G.;Liu, T.-L.*,Org. Lett.2019, 21 (20), 8429-8433.